Offers independent confidential consultations to Individuals, Couples and Families.

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Our Services

  • Individual Therapy.
    The focus of individual work is to help people overcome emotional difficulties often related to past experiences, stress and relationship difficulties. The aim is to help people find ways to lead a more fulfilling life.

  • Couple/Family Therapy.
    The focus of couple work is to explore patterns in the family / couples relationship which gets in the way of open communication and resolving difficulties in a helpful way. We take an approach that avoids blaming one party, we explore ways to develop more helpful ways of resolving difficulties that is agreeable to all.

  • Consultation to Team and Organisations .
    We can provide consultation to managers teams and work groups. This may involve building positive relationships in teams or input at times of change. As with family and couple work the approach taken can be discussed in an initial telephone call.

  • Stress Management.
    We are often asked for focused sessions on individual stress management techniques. These sessions may include relaxation techniques or work around lifestyle changes needed. These sessions can also be offered as group sessions.

  • Teaching and Training.
    We can provide teaching input to groups of students on issues related to Mental Health and Human Relationship work. We are experienced in running training in relation to developing culturally sensitive practice.

  • Telephone and Email Consultation.
    As technology develops so does the approaches we can utilise. Telephone consultation can be combined with direct contact sessions. Email consultation has been used by some clients living outside the UK .

© Farnborough Counselling Services 2006